The world is going crazy over Avengers. On 26th April, it hit the theatres and it seems that the tickets are all booked for the entire week. Well, we are still unsure about what this mania is all about? But I would like to conclude it by saying that our world is crazy about super mans. Be it batman, spiderman or any such superman who saves the world from crime and such bad things is loved by all of us. No wonder why Ayan Mukherji, the new age director decided to make a movie on the same genre. Enough of Rambling. Let’s get back to the avenger series.
Have you ever wondered what do your favourate avenger does to get their energy? What is the source of their full proof and such evergreen energy? I am sure it’s not proteinex. So, what it is actually? Well, I did a lot of research and couldn’t find out what it actually was? So, I decided to make my own diet chart for them.
1. Steve Rogers (Captain America) – Steve Rogers is an all time classic. His choice of popcorn might take him back to his old pre captain America days. Toppings and all might change but we feel he will definitely love a tub of popcorn.

2. Tony Stark (Iron Man) – Everyone’s favorite philanthropist, saver man – Iron man. What will he be eating? Well, I believe just like the former he will also stick to his classic food – M&M. Of course he will go on to share it with every one but he will love his classic food.

3. Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) – The badass lady that she is, she will definitely love her candies. She would be loving her colourful candies and would have a huge bag for the same.

4. Clint Barton (Hawkeye) – The man is sharp but always burdened with the family duties. He is the father of three but every year keeps coming back to some or the other Avenger issues. He would definitely require some caffeine shots to keep him attentive and awake.

5. Thor (God of Thunder) – The man with the hammer has his favourate drink as the beer. So, he will definitely chilax with his beer only.

Bruce Banner (Hulk) – He is a sharp man and he knows the importance of healthy lifestyle. That is why he would prefer raisins to keep him sharp and attentive.