Media Kit of Popular Health Blog – Find Health Tips

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Media Kit for

March 30, 2017

For more information, please contact:
Samar Pahwa
971 -186-4952

Overview of

Audience & Demographics

  • The audience of consists mainly of both men, and women with age group of 25+. Looking to health solutions and deliberate reader. They show interest buying products, recommended in our blog, selling via Amazon.
  • The main topic of is information about grow taller, hair care, weight loss, fitness and Yoga, health and fitness products\’ reviews, eyes care, body building, relationship, diabetes, skin care, and more.

Audience Metrics

The following information describes the size and scale of’s audience.

Monthly UniquesMonthly PageviewsPageviews Per Visit
Alexa ReachAlexa Rank

Social Media Metrics

Here is a breakdown of’s presence on Twitter: @findhealthtips.

Twitter FollowersTwitter Mentions

Rates & Opportunities offers numerous advertising opportunities for advertisers to reach this valuable, targeted audience. Please inquire for current rates.

Standard Advertising Opportunities & Creative Guidelines

Ad DimensionsMax File Size3rd PartyRich MediaAnimationFormatsCPM
728×90NoneNoYesYesGIF,JPG,SWF (Flash 10.0 or earlier)Please Inquire
160×600NoneNoYesYesGIF,JPG,SWF (Flash 10.0 or earlier)Please Inquire
180×150NoneNoYesYesGIF,JPG,SWF (Flash 10.0 or earlier)Please Inquire
300×250NoneNoYesYesGIF,JPG,SWF (Flash 10.0 or earlier)Please Inquire
970×250NoneNoYesYesGIF,JPG,SWF (Flash 10.0 or earlier)Please Inquire
300×600NoneNoYesYesGIF,JPG,SWF (Flash 10.0 or earlier)Please Inquire
300×1050NoneNoYesYesGIF,JPG,SWF (Flash 10.0 or earlier)Please Inquire
970×90NoneNoYesYesGIF,JPG,SWF (Flash 10.0 or earlier)Please Inquire

Other Opportunities

In addition to standard website banner advertising, also offers the following:

  • Currently there are no opportunities for email, mobile, or video sponsorship. Contact us however for details on possible future opportunities.

These additional opportunities allow you to reach our targeted audience through non-traditional media. Contact us for additional information on how you can take advantage of these unique opportunities.


For more information, please contact: Samar Pahwa at or call (971) 186-4952.