According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney disease, more than one in three adults are overweight in the US. And we all are well aware of the problems and risk factors associated with obesity. Heart disease, diabetes are some of the major issues which are associated with obesity.
Lack of good quality of sleep has also proved to be a major factor of adding kilos to your body. An adult needs at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. Insufficient sleep has multifold effects on your body. It can affect your societal relationships, memory pattern and even your blood circulation.

Now, as per a study by the International Journal of Obesity, there is a direct and strong link between uninterrupted sleep and obesity. The results have pointed out that people who sleep less have added kilos to their body.
“The rise in obesity prevalence rates over the past decades parallels an epidemic of sleep disturbances,”
Says Prof. Jordi Salas-Salvadó and colleagues write.
He further added
“In this context, the PREDIMED-Plus, a new ongoing primary cardiovascular prevention trial based [on] an intensive weight-loss lifestyle intervention program, provides an unprecedented opportunity to examine the 12 month changes in weight and adiposity measures between those participants with short or adequate sleep duration and between those with low or high sleep variability,”
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Predemied Plus is a clinical trial where the study is being carried out on a Mediterranean style diet in a Spanish Cohort. The results of this research are part of a current trial.
It is seen that people who are overweight have higher levels of health issues like – increased level of blood pressure, increased level of insulin, low glucose tolerance, and abnormal levels of blood lipids.
At the end of the study period, it has been found that people who have irregular sleep pattern, which is also called high sleep variability have higher BMI when compared to people who have regular sleep patterns.
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People who sleep for less than 6 hours every night have experienced less reduction in their waist circumference when compared to people who have better sleep hours.
Thus, it is very important that if you are thinking about weight loss then very first sleep patterns should be ensured.