One of the hardest things when it comes to addiction, no matter what the kind, is the recovery phase. The hard work starts there and you need to champion it for the rest of your life.
In order to do that, you have to be both honest with yourself and others. Honesty is always the best policy in all aspects of life, and that’s no different when it comes to recovering from addiction, as failure to do so can often lead to relapse, and either starting the entire process again or falling off the wagon for good.
But why should you be honest at all stages of the addiction process, from rehab treatment to recovery?
Why Dishonesty is a Danger in Recovery
There are many reasons why honesty is integral during recovery, as the dangers with dishonesty are all too great.
It can lead to relapse
Ultimately, being dishonest can lead to relapse, and with dishonesty a major trait with addiction, it can lead you into old ways and have disastrous consequences.
It can damage relationships
Facing up to addiction is a step that can often provide a lot of love and support from loved ones, who will stand by you every step of the way, themselves going out of their way to help you.
That commands honesty, just as is the case with relationships in general, and doing the opposite can either affect the rebuilding of a relationship, or completely destroy that, leaving you with a smaller support network at a time when you need one most.

It’ll Affect Your Own Mental Health
Being dishonest to yourself or others will leave you feeling with a layer of guilt, which can heighten stress levels, anxiety and happiness. This can encourage relapse or lead to mental health problems that will put your health and well-being on the back foot once again, after working so hard to get clean.
It’ll Affect Recovery Sessions
Across your recovery, you’ll regularly attend recovery sessions. These are designed to help you and make sure you’re on track. If you’re not on track, then the professionals running the sessions can help you get back on track. Therefore you need to be honest in order to get the correct help for you. Lying about relapses or progress is going to see no benefit to the treatment you’re receiving.
How To Ensure You Are Honest During Recovery
Addiction will often lead to large bouts of dishonesty as people look to hide their problems from loved ones, employers and families. So, then starting to be honest can prove difficult and take some getting used to.
Being honest is a bit like exercising in that the more you do it, the better and more natural at it you become. It just takes that first honest moment to get started.
A good way to do this is by keeping a diary in which you can write your honest thoughts and feelings during the recovery process down to revisit and see the progress you have made, or perhaps haven’t. Attacking that head on is only going to be of benefit to you and will ensure you avoid self-delusion.
If there are relapses in honesty, which may occur, then the best thing to do is then confront it and own up, whether that be to yourself or others. This will highlight the dishonesty, and potentially prevent you from being dishonest and going through that process again. Also, it will get loved ones involved, who will then give you that extra push to being honest at all times.
Honesty will always ensure the recovery process is on the best possible path, and will not only help keep you sober, but also if you do relapse, you’re more likely to get the help and support you need if you do own up and tell the truth. That’s going to lead to a happier, healthier and more honest lifestyle not only when it comes to recovering, but in all parts of your life too.