Twinkle Khanna who is considered as the Ms. Knows it all has now entered into new territory. She is giving diet advice on her insta account.

The lady who was once a highly unsuccessful actress has come a long way. Right from having her very successful column to writing bestseller novels, the lady knows what to do other than acting in which she proudly accepts that she is not good at.

But the recent post on her insta took everyone out. she recently shared a post where she is seen giving diet advice on what worked for her. The lady is sharing her own share of food tricks that worked for her when she was anemic.
Twinkle clearly mentions that this is her personal opinion and she is clearly mentioning the products that have worked for her. But even then it seems we have a trend of let’s hit on celebs. And God knows why? Celebs are also people like us and they have worked their ass off to get their so sorry success and popularity is also not as easy for them as it is for you.

And also the other people loved her comments and inputs on the diet.

Plus, it seems like hitting and posting negative comments on celeb’s post is like a short gut to gain instant spotting among the crowd. Maybe that’s what motivated this Nutritionist to post such comments.
God bless such people is our last reply. And more power to Ms. Funny Bones who is extremely quick and witty at responding to such comments.