Sex can be tiring and quite good for fat burning. But can it substitute your 45 minutes of the fat burning session at the treadmill?
Well, this UK based bodybuilding couple definitely thinks so. They want to be their fittest best and in this mission, they don’t want to waste even minutes of their life. They believe in following a strict routine and thus everything in their life is strictly scheduled. And the same tip they follow during their hours of intimacy too. They believe in following a scheduled sex life too where they use sex as their cardio doing it six times a week.
Bodybuilders thank Scheduled Sex for their transformation
They have noticed that this timely sex has brought a huge difference to their waistline. Emily and Ross began dating in the year 2016 and both of them had the ultimate goal of staying fit. And thus they started their journey towards fitness for sixteen hours every day leaving the only day for rest.
Ross said
“We have the best sex life because we put 100 percent effort into everything we do. A sex life is extremely important – it could be so easy to get consumed with training and running the business that it could be left out.
“Even though we are building our fitness empire every day, we’re incredibly passionate towards each other. We’re daytime sex people – leaving anything to the end of the day is a BAD IDEA especially when you’re busy.
Bodybuilders thank Scheduled Sex for their transformation
“When we first got together we were having sex three times a day, then, sadly, the business grew. Now we work early or late so middle of the day is always free.
“If you get to the end of the day and you’re still feeling the love, then you can go twice – a beautiful thing about being super fit!”
Emily shared
“Working, living, training and eating with Ross makes the relationship stronger. We motivate each other and it makes me more committed to my fitness levels.
“We often get referred to as the UK’s fittest couple from people we help and the competitions, but we remain humbled by the many incredible athletes and fitness professionals in the UK, all of whom we look up to.
Bodybuilders thank Scheduled Sex for their transformation
“Physically, there are other couples who are fitter, but we eat, sleep and breathe this industry. We change lives through fitness so we’re happy to take the title.
“Day one sees me training legs, then day two is shoulders, chest, and triceps before day three becomes glutes and hamstrings. Day four I rest. Then it’s back and biceps, before day six kicks off with glutes and hamstrings before day seven becomes upper body circuit”.
But when we come to Ross’s routine then it is much simpler. Emily says
“Ross’ routine is more simplified – day one, push, day two, pull, day three, legs and day four, rest. Then repeat.”
Body transformation academy is the name of the fitness camp run by the fitness couple. Ross said
“After beginning to train as a personal trainer, I met Emily and it was an instant, really good connection. Emily’s success at bodybuilding inspired me – she weight trains every day, and has HIIT cardio four times a week.”