These days many news is floating around which says that dietary supplements, weight loss pills, immunity boosting pills are proving to be fatal for us. They are doing more harm to our body than any good.
And the biggest point to be noted here is that many of these pills are costing our lives. In the bodybuilding world, the news is ablaze saying that these weight loss pills are taking lives. Even many bodybuilding associations have traveled the extra mile saying that drug testing is going to be mandatory.
Recently Indian Bodybuilder has died in Britain due to wrong supplements

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Recently an Indian teen suffered a death just because he had an overdose of DTP. The whole bodybuilding world is in a state of shock because of the death of Matt Porter – the bodybuilding coach.

As per the recent study, published in the Journal of Adolescent health clearly stated that the use of dietary supplements has increased multifold times in recent years.

As per the words of lead author Flora Or
“The FDA has issued countless warnings about supplements sold for weight loss, muscle building or sports performance, sexual function, and energy, and we know these products are widely marketed to and used by young people,”
The researcher clearly pointed out the fact that consumption of these pills has a direct significance to deaths, disability, hospitalization and likewise. and these dangers are associated with 0-25 years.