Lindsay Butler still remembers the day when she weighed 199kg because that was the day she decided that she will change her life. She promised to herself
“I was NOT going to let myself reach 200 pounds”
But Butler who was just 27 years old decided that she will change her lifestyle. Butler was an extremely active child during her school days. She was quite athletic and used to take part in different sports. But post that she started gaining weight because of a lack of physical activity.
BREAKING : A women lost over 70 lbs to become a fitness competitor
“I was easily gaining 10lbs a year,” she said. “Eventually, I started getting sad and tired and just not the same bubbly person I used to be. You don’t really notice these changes when they happen over a long period of time.”
But in order to gain her happiness back, she hired a personal trainer, joined a gym and even started following fitness inspirational accounts on Instagram. Since then she believes she has not looked back.
BREAKING : A women lost over 70 lbs to become a fitness competitor
For the initial two years of her journey, she didn’t change her diet much but even then she was losing some weight.
“I still ate fast food and drank sodas and generally didn’t watch what I ate”
But when she came to know about physique competitions then she took her weight loss game very seriously.
“Eventually, I discovered the world of NPC fitness competitions and was immediately impressed by the hard-body physiques and the sparkly bikinis,” she told us. “I told my new trainer and he helped put me on a very strict and lean diet.”
BREAKING : A women lost over 70 lbs to become a fitness competitor
Her new diet consisted of lean meat, lots of veggies and some carbs for each meal.
“Oh, and so many eggs. It took a long time to get used to eating plain egg white for breakfast. Yuck,” she said.
In spite of all this, Butler said that she never enjoyed dieting and loved her fast food and sodas.
“A good and healthy diet generally isn’t fun. You get used to prepping and eating the same things because it’s important to mentally connect food to fuel rather than pleasure,” she always wanted to drink smoothies, sodas, alcohol, and milkshakes but she thanks her coach and trainer Dwayne Hampton who helped her a lot in staying on the track.
BREAKING : A women lost over 70 lbs to become a fitness competitor
Workout wise, she is engaged in her workout routine every six days a week. And she makes it a point to exercise for every 1 hour a day. She is mostly into strength training and also lifts weights. She is also engaged in high cardiac exercises.
BREAKING : A women lost over 70 lbs to become a fitness competitor
This is her advice to people “Step outside of your mental comfort zone and put energy into something you think you could be passionate about.
“Surround yourself with things and people that help facilitate your goals. If you do decide to get wrapped up in the passion of a weight loss journey, make sure you still make time for friends and family,” she advised. “Overall, my takeaway has been that I am so much stronger of a person than I ever thought i could be.
“I’ve found my purpose in life and in the process of building myself up, I want to help build others up as well.
“If I could inspire even one person, I’d be so happy.”