When “Logan” was released in the year 2017, then an era ended. And this was the fitness era. Yes, “X-Men” to “Wolverine” there was an era of fitness and bodybuilding which Hugh Jackman bought.
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Hugh Jackman is known to bring life to this character and it’s very difficult to imagine someone else playing the same.
And most notably his physique was the drool-worthy point for every man. His physique went on to become ripped day by day. And many men went after bodybuilding and muscle gaining just after this movie.
So, when the actor was asked in an interview about the same, then he revealed the secret.
He used intermittent fasting protocol to achieve this shape. And this obviously generated lots of interest in the same. So, here we are breaking the facts and popular notions about intermittent fasting.
Intermittent fasting is a conscious decision of when to eat and when not to eat. Many people do IF for straight 16 hours whereas some do it for 8 hours. Thus, the number of hours in your decision.
Will it work?
Well, before expecting miracles from intermittent fasting, you must know that Hugh Jackman was already a lean guy and he has a good metabolism. So, he had to eat 4500 calories to get into that shape and later he reduced to 3000 calories when he was looking to thin out.

Intermittent fasting is good for those who are in the habit of eating huge quantities in one go.
So, make your own research before jumping to a conclusion.