Surya Namaskar should be the first exercise that you must perform early in the morning on a completely empty stomach. Also called Sun Salutation, it involves 12 yoga poses in total. You can do regular practice of Yoga Asanas as it has many benefits one of them are, this improves blood circulation. Every round of surya namaskar consists of two sets – the first set includes performing the 12 yoga postures using your right leg whereas the second set uses the left leg. Different websites teach you different sequence of sun salutation.
However, here we have jotted down all 12 surya namaskar steps in a proper sequence, try to stick to it for better results:
Step 1: Prayer Pose (called Pranamasana)
Here is how you can perform this posture:
- Stand straight while keeping your feet together.
- Equally put weight on both the feet .
- Relax the shoulders.
- While inhaling, raise your arms up from the sides.
- While exhaling, bring the raised arms in front and join your palms to attain prayer position.
- Step 2: Raised Arms pose (called Hastauttanasana)
Here is how you can perform this posture:
- While you inhale air, raise your arms up and back. Your biceps should be close to your ears.
- Stretch your whole body- from your heels to your fingers.
- Push your pelvis forward rather than bending your back.
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- Step 3: Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot pose)
Here is how you can perform this posture
- Bend forward from the waist
- Your spine should be erected.
- Bring hands down to touch your feet
- Put the palms beside the feet
- Stay in this position for 20 seconds and then slowly raise your hand
- Step 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
Here is how you can perform this posture:
- Lie flat on the floor with your stomach touching the ground.
- Now push your right leg back as you stretch your body
- Bring your right leg beside your right shoulder and now look up towards the ceiling
- Step 5: Dandasana (Staff pose)
Here is how you can perform this posture:
In continuation to Step 4, take the right leg back with the left and now your body would stretch in a straight line.
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- Step 6: Ashtanga Namaskara Salute With Eight Parts Or Points)
Here is how you can perform this posture:
- In continuation to step 5, bring both your knees to the floor.
- Push the hips towards the opposite direction of your head
- Your upper part of the body should slide forward with your chin and chest touching the ground.
- Your palms should rest beside your shoulders
- Step 7: Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Here is how you can perform this posture:
- While you have rested in step 6 for a few seconds, raise your chest with your elbows kept bend.
- Your shoulders should be straight.
- Now look up towards the ceiling.
- Step 8: Parvatasana (Mountain pose)
Here is how you can perform this posture:
- Now exhaling, lift your hips and lower back with your chest facing downwards.
- Your body will make an inverted V and keep your heels on the ground.
- Step 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
Here is how you can perform this posture:
- Repeat step 4
- Step 10: Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot pose)
Here is how you can perform this posture:
- While exhaling, bring your left leg forwards with your palms touching the floor. For support, you can bend your knees a little.
- Step 11: Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms pose)
Here is how you can perform this posture
- Raise your spine to straigten it and then bend a little backward with your hands raised above your head.
- Step 12: Tadasana
Here is how you can perform this posture
- Straighten your body, now bring your arms down and inhale and exhale while relaxing your body.